Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Calling--s!!

Welp, it's official! 2 new callings. I was once again called to be YW ward camp director (3 times for the ward and 1 for stake camp director)! I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but maybe this time I'll get it right! After the counselor in the bishopric finished with that, he said he had another calling for me. Ward Music Chairman. what??huh??me??are you kidding?! apparently not....this one is way out of my comfort! So off I go trying to line up the fabulous musical numbers for the Ridge Ward. Oddly enough my mind has had many thoughts of what needs to be done. I will rely on inspiration to get this accomplished; I've already had feelings to change some things around. Crazy--if anyone knows of any rockin' numbers (spiritual of course), let me know!!


Klepinger said...

It's not what you're doing wrong-It's that you are doing it too good!!! Girls camp is so fun and you'll be awesome!!! -Leann

Cindy said...

Way to go Gwen-do-lyn! I can't help you at all with the camp thing, but I'll put my mind on the music.

Lisa Tucker said...

You will do fine. Sometimes we always get callings out of our comfort zone! You will be fantastic. That is what makes us grow.

Trevor and Lauren said...

Mom, excellent. It will be a piece of cake. You are great at running the show so the ward music chair will be a breeze!! And girls camp will be AWESOME!! I have faith you are just the gal for the jobs.
Love you!