Saturday was a priesthood session and Justin was asked to sing in the men's choir. One of students at BYUH arranged the music and Trevor told us in was beautiful. Before they began the meeting, Justin said Elder Perry looked at the group and said, "you know, the music is the most important part of the meeting." That made me feel better about my calling!
This morning we arrived early for the meeting. A stake here on the island was singing and it was absolutely beautiful. Everyone was in white with black kakui nut leis. The sound was so beautiful I immediately started to cry. There is something about Polynesian voices that get me every time. Elder Maynes of the seventy talked about "the church will never be stronger than the next generation. Elder McConkie gave a quote from the author David McCullough saying, "attitude isn't taught, it's caught". Think about that for a minute, it's really true. The other talks were great as well.

Elder Perry talked about Thanksgiving and how the tradition began. He talked about William Bradford wanting the original purpose for Thanksgiving to be a time of fasting and prayer. He read from the original document that was instituted when George Washington was president. He stated that our forefathers asked that God would "pardon us", that we" promote knowledge and true religion" and "humbly offer prayer and supplication to the Lord" to celebrate Thanksgiving.

President Monson was able to deliver his address by satellite. He talked about his wife. He said, "Love is often felt, but seldom expressed" and we need to show our love more. He talked about the "lost battalion" and how so feel no one cares. Each of need to be a friend. The best quote came from Wardon Duffy of San Quentin prison. Someone asked him referring to his prisoners, if he "knew a leopard doesn't change his spots". His reply came back, "sir I work with men not leopards." Such an awesome quote! Anyone can change, anyone can repent and be who they want to be!
What a beautiful Sunday in paradise!
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