Delynn invited me to go along on visit to her mother's home (Aunt Jeannine) in Eastern AZ in a little town called Central (close to Thatcher and Safford, AZ). The trip was to celebrate her mom's birthday. We made a quick little visit complete with Delynn's daughter Kelly and her 3 daughters, Sage, Faith and Jane. Tyler's wife Stephanie also came with us and she was quietly showing us how to bead.

Faith and Sage digging into Aunt Jeannine's birthday cake.

Delynn and her brother, Glen. Glen is handicapp and works at a thrift store smashing cans. He is very happy there and was happy to see us. He is 46 years old and wasn't supposed to live to adulthood. He has a special spirit and he recognized us. We had a nice visit. Every time I see Glen, and it's not as much as I used to, he grabs my right hand and kisses it and says, "I like you, Gwen." Nice visit--I'm glad we went.

We had an un-scheduled stop at the Peralta trail home site. It seemed Miss Faith had some things in her tummy that no longer wanted to be there!! Yep! All over the back. We saw this neighborhood and saw the running water(to the left) and found that it was sent from heaven for us to wash the blankets and Faith's clothes out. Kelly (still wringing out clothing), Faith, Grandma Delynn and Stephanie.
no 'adult content' this time
Hey Gwen - love the blog! Send me an e-mail to and I'll send you an invite to ours. You'll want to check it out because I did a little post about our fabulous trip. Feel free to forward the invite to Lauren. Fun to see her life, too. What fun she and Trevor are having.
Oh my goodness! She looks so much like Jeaneen! You were so right!
Thanks for the post, the pictures are GREAT. Poor little Faith, that stinks that she had such an 'unfortunate' accident. Yeesh. Its crazy that Kelly has 3 kids, the oldest looks like a little Kelly/Whitney. They are cute as buttons! I love you!
Thanks for the post, it looks like you girls had a great time! I can't believe Kelly has 3 kids, crazy. The oldest one looks like a mini Kelly/Whitney, they are so cute. And poor little Faith, thats no fun for anybody in the car, especially the little gal. I love you and will be waiting on more posts.
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